During the winter, you may want a storage unit to keep seasonal items out of the way during the excitement of the holiday season. A storage unit is a great way to contain all your decoration boxes, summer clothing, and much more.

But, when you're storing items in the winter, you want to be extra careful to ensure they are in great condition. To make things simple, follow these five winter storage tips from the experts at Airtight Storage.

Tip 1: Clean & Dry Properly

No matter what time of year it is, it’s vital to clean and dry all your belongings before storing them. But this is even more important in the winter when it gets cold.

The items in your shipping container will likely sit there for a while, so you don’t want them to get too humid. Just make sure that you wipe everything down thoroughly and leave it to dry completely before putting everything away.

Tip 2: Cover Items

While our shipping container storage solutions are airtight, it’s still a good idea to cover what you can. By doing so, you protect items and keep them from rubbing against one another.

Be extra careful by using tarps or blankets to cover furniture, instruments, and electronics. If you’re storing glass or anything breakable, use bubble wrap or other options.

Tip 3: Keep Electronics Off the Ground

While the temperature in Southern Utah usually is warm enough to store electronics over winter, you still want to keep them secure. By elevating these objects off the ground, they are less likely to be impacted by colder temperatures.

With a shipping container, your items aren’t in direct contact with the ground, but it’s still wise to practice caution.

Tip 4: Learn What Not to Store

While most items are safe to keep in our shipping container storage options, you will want to keep certain items out of the unit over the winter. Avoid storing leather, canned goods, and paint. If you’re in doubt, better safe than sorry.

Tip 5: Organize Effectively

Using a storage container is much easier if you keep everything organized. When putting your belongings away, use secure bins and stack things neatly.

You can also keep track of what you have in storage using a spreadsheet or an app. This will make it much easier to rotate items out season by season.

Affordable Storage Options in Southern Utah

At Airtight Storage, we provide an array of self-storage, movable storage, and vehicle storage options at our Enoch location. With our shipping containers, you’ll have a secure place to keep your belongings, whether it’s wintertime or the middle of summer.

Find out more about our storage options and pricing by calling today to request a quote.

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